Monday, April 13, 2015


Thanks for a great semester everyone! <3
Looking forward to seeing your fabulous final projects. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Student Research Presentations

Presentations should be 10 minutes in length, and should be uploaded to the Google Drive folder (link: ) prior to class on April 21, labeled with your name.  Please use Google slides (It's free!) to make presentations, to ensure that we don't run into technical difficulties.

3 weeks left!!

Philadelphia Sketchbook  //  Final Project

For the final project, you will be venturing out on a self-guided field trip. You can revisit one of the locations that we experienced as a class, or explore a new location in Philly. You will collect research in your sketchbook through on-site drawings, photographs, journaling, and via books and the internet. Your research will result in a presentation and a final drawing. 

Presentation: 10-15 minutes of factual (history, relevance, images, observations) and reflective (your opinion, responses, drawings, questions, thoughts) information. Get creative with it. 

Final Drawing: Utilize your research to come up with a drawing based on your field trip experience. Drawings should be in black and white medium of your choice on 18” x 24” or 22” x 30” nice quality white or cream drawing paper. Drawings may be direct (a scene from observation) or may be more conceptual (an interpretation or re-imagining), but must include elements drawn from careful observation. 

Drawings must consider most of the following:

  1. Line quality, line weight
  2. Gesture
  3. Composition
  4. Range of tone
  5. Directional Line
  6. Proportion
  7. Material handling
  8. Concept

Final Critique: 
April 23, 12:30 in Tyler Classroom. Hang drawings straight and spaced out from your peers’ using clear tacks only. Move chairs, backpacks and clutter out of the way to ensure formal presentation. Come to class prepared to contribute feedback on your peers’ drawings. 

Upcoming Schedule:
April 7- Critique “Journey Is The Destination” drawings, sign up for individual meetings
April 9- Last Field Trip- Philadelphia’s City Hall- meet in center courtyard at 1:00

April 14- Individual Meetings, discuss sketchbook and final project plans
April 16- Final Peer review, collect sketchbooks (sketchbooks should include drawings from Reading Terminal, Eastern State, Geo History Maps, Academy of Natural Sciences, Market Frankfort Train, Journey is The Destination response, City Hall, and Self-Guided final project field trip.)

April 21- Student Presentations 
April 23- Final Critique

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Tuesday April 7

Just a reminder that Tuesday we will be meeting at Tyler at 12:30 to critique your "Journey is the Destination" field trip responses. 

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Thursday- The Journey is the Destination!

We will be meeting on the WESTBOUND platform of the Market Frankford Blue line at City Hall Station at 1:00 sharp. If you are late we will leave without you so be sure to be on time!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Erica's show at Vox Populi

I am having a solo show at Vox Populi, all are welcome to attend!

April 3 - 26 2015 // Opening: April 3, 6-10pm

Dollhouses are understood as gendered spaces for speculation and idealization. They are interpretive play spaces for the enactment of social and identity constructs. In her second exhibition at Vox Populi, Erica Prince presents the dollhouse as an expanded psychological space: unpredictable, fragmentary, and unapologetically tied to its feminine perspective. A large scale cutaway dollhouse exposes empty rooms ripe with potential and a collection of drawings reveal fragile glimpses into the lives that could exist there. Ultimately, Prince continues to question the lifestyle design choices that we make, individually and as a culture, and how they reflect our states of being, our essential and constructed identities and our hopes and dreams for the future.

Next Tuesday March 31

In order to have as much time as possible to draw today at the Academy of Natural Sciences, the critique for your Geo History Map project will be pushed back to next class, Tuesday March 31, in our Tyler classroom at 12:30. We will still ride the Blue line on Thursday.

If you would like to check in or have an in-progress crit with me today about your projects, I would be happy to do so.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Thursday March 26

On Thursday we will be meeting in the lobby of the Academy of Natural Sciences at 1:00. It is right next door to Moore College of Art on the Parkway. You will have to pay for your entrance, which is $13. We will be drawing from the dioramas and reviewing your homework based on the Geo History Maps. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Homework due March 26

Take some time to explore Philadelphia's development via the Geo History maps found here:

Look at your neighborhood, center city and Temple's campus throughout the years.

Take note of the different ways the maps were organized via drawing.

Make a drawing in response to something interesting that you discover. It could be a historical discovery, or something that intrigues you aesthetically about the maps themselves. Begin your research with several preliminary sketches/studies before moving on to the final drawing. 

Next Tuesday March 24

Meeting at Eastern State Penitentiary at 1:00! I will be purchasing group tickets, so please be on time!