Philadelphia Sketchbook
Tyler School of Art / Temple University
Instructor: Erica Prince
(office hours by appointment only)
Course: ARTU 2001 / Section 002 / Course Reference: 24861
Class meets:
Tuesday and Thursday,
12:30 - 3:20 at Tyler (room 300K, or Tyler conference room),
1:00 - 2:50 on location (30 minutes for travel to and from campus)
“Drawing is still basically the same as it has been since prehistoric times. It brings together man and the world. It lives through magic.”
- Keith Haring
Course Description:
Drawing is associated with certain aspects of human experience- intimacy, authenticity, immediacy, subjectivity, history, memory, narrative, communication. The first humans drew in the sand the same way that children all over the world draw in 2015. Drawing is everywhere in contemporary art, perhaps because of its ability to express ideas so directly. It is a venue for observation of the world around us.
This course will focus on drawing from observation on location in Philadelphia. We will utilize Philadelphia’s rich and varied resources to draw from art, architecture, nature, anatomy, history, and contemporary culture. Students will develop deeply personal and experimental sketchbooks that are reflections of their experiences, opinions, and observations.
Course Structure:
This course is divided into 4 sections- Art in Philly, History in Philly, Landscape in Philly, and The Journey is the Destination. Each section will have related field trips, readings, and homework assignments that will be handed out throughout the semester.
Students are responsible for self-led work ethic on field trips. The instructor will continually conduct one-on-one critiques and demonstrations as needed on location. In-class assignments and homework assignments will be officially reviewed at each peer review, and during the sketchbook collection.
Every student must have a sketchbook devoted wholly to this class. This sketchbook will serve as a place for constant drawing experimentation, exercise, note taking, reflections, collections, research, planning, and observation. Students are encouraged to make sketchbooks their own. All work for this class, with the exception of the final project, will be completed in the sketchbook.
The final project of the semester will consist of a self-led field trip, a related research presentation, and a culminating drawing assignment.
Critique / Peer Review:
Critiques will focus on both concept and formal concerns in an effort for each artist to see their work come to its fullest potential. Critiques are an opportunity for us to learn from our peers, and to learn to articulate our opinions about art in a constructive and educated manner. Participation in critiques is an important part of Students’ final grade.
Attendance Policy:
Attendance and punctuality are imperative in this class!
You must attend every class. Absences will negatively affect your grade. When absent, you must contact your teacher to find out what occurred in classes you’ve missed. Work should be completed upon your return to class.
Excused absences
For medical reasons and/or family emergencies only and require documentation; medical absences require note from a doctor or nurse (use Temple Health Services). You are allowed a maximum of three excused absences after which you must see the Academic Advisor to withdraw from the course.
Unexcused Absences
Two unexcused absences can drop your final grade by one letter grade. Three absences (excused or unexcused) are grounds for failure of the course.
Two unexcused absences can drop your final grade by one letter grade. Three absences (excused or unexcused) are grounds for failure of the course.
Lateness Policy
Give yourself lots of time to get to the meeting locations! Getting lost or miscalculating travel time are not valid excuses for being late! Better to be early and relax for a minute before class begins. Important assignments and information will be given out promptly at 1:00 and it is important that everyone is present. If you know you are going to be late, please text the instructor or a classmate to let them know you are on your way. Always check in with the instructor upon arriving at the field trip location.
Lateness is recorded: 2 latenesses = 1 absence. It is possible to fail a course based upon lateness alone.
Cellphones and Technology:
When we are conducting class, it is crucial that we have an atmosphere that allows all students to fully focus on the topic. The use of cell phones to send and receive text messages in class is a profound distraction and is not permitted. Field trips may seem more casual than the usual classroom environment, but it is still imperative that we let ourselves focus without cell phone distraction. Your participation grade will be negatively affected if you are caught using cell phones for non-class related purposes. Cell phones may only be used to coordinate field trip logistics with the instructor and/or classmates.
Headphones to listen to music will only be allowed on certain field trips. Please ask for permission before tuning out.
Grading Policy & Expectations:
Students will be graded based on the following: quality and development of work and ideas throughout the course of the semester, willingness to learn and challenge themselves artistically, meaningful participation in critiques and discussions, focused work ethic in class and on field trips, accomplishment of assignments, attendance and punctuality, preparedness for class, and general class conduct.
Academic Integrity
Please refer to the University’s statement on Academic Integrity at:
The Student Code of Conduct considers the following to be a violation of academic integrity:
1. Academic dishonesty and impropriety, including plagiarism, fabrication and academic cheating. This includes helping, procuring or encouraging another person to engage in academic misconduct or presenting yourself as another student;
2 Interfering with or disrupting the conduct of classes or any other normal or regular activities of the University
Please contact me by email at
I can be reached on my cell phone only on field trips or in case of an emergency- 757.439.4013. Office hours by appointment only.
Disability Disclosure:
Any student who has a need for accommodation based on the impact of a
disability should contact Tyler’s Academic Advisor Laurie Duffy at 215-777-9185 privately to discuss the specific situation as soon as possible. Contact Disability Resources and Services at 215-204-1280 at 100 Ritter Annex to coordinate
reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities.
Students must present the appropriate paperwork in order to receive special accommodations. Accommodations are limited to those documented by the office of Disability Resources and Services and presented in an official letter to the faculty member.
Information on cancellation of classes due to inclement weather:
The University participates with the City of Philadelphia and local radio stations such as KYW (1060-AM), WDAS (1480-AM, 105,3-FM), WIOQ (102.1-FM), WUSL (98.9-FM) and WPEN (950-AM), which broadcast code numbers indicating when classes are closed because of snow or other inclement weather.
101 Day Class Cancellation
2101 Evening Class Cancellation
The most accurate and up-to-date information on class cancellations can be obtained by calling the University’s hotline at 215 -204 -1975, and by listening to Temple’s radio station, WRTI 90.1-FM or referring to Temple’s website at:
Material Requirements:
*Students are required to bring sketchbook and drawing materials to every class.
See BlickU list on blog for details
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